Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More pictures!

So cute!
Brecken's Grandma Mitchell bought him this cute easter outfit. We had so much fun going to Bryce's parents house for dinner and then having an easter egg hunt in their back yard. Precious!

Brecken and daddy looking for eggs. Brecken loves being outside he gets really excited and happy when we take him out. It has been so cold here in Utah this winter that we have not taken him out very much, but on easter the weather was so nice.


Porter and Karla said...

oh im so glad you get to take him out a little bit now. you must love it. kelly i need to meet this little guy!

David and Shalynna said...

Oh he is so so cute! You must be having so much fun. David and I have been playing Guitar Hero lately and it makes me think of you and Bryce. Remember when we played it at Natalie's and both of us ended up buying it as soon as we had the chance?

Mike and Alecia said...

Oh my gosh Kelly he is getting so big. I love the picture of him sleeping. He is so cute!! I can't wait for you to come down so Parker can meet his bff. Hopefully it's soon. I'll call you soon so we can catch up.

Natalie and Logan said...

Hey girl it was so fun seeing you and the fam last Sunday. Your sisters are growing up so fast. I totally want to go to a baseball game too. But, my mom is actually coming into town today because we're running in the SLC half marathon tomorrow. But, maybe next game. That would be fun. We need to do something before Logan and I take off. Oh ya, did you get my announcement about the dinner next Friday? Love ya bye!